Local Outreach Ministries


Geographically located at the “centre” of Barbican, the Barbican Baptist Church has an important role to play in respect of its outreach to internal and external stakeholders. When we serve, we join in on God’s mission in this world. God is at work all around us, rescuing lost people and healing brokenness in our world. God is asking each of us to give our lives for His Kingdom, here and now, and to bring love, compassion, and hope in the name of Jesus.  The auxiliaries of the Local Outreach Ministry include:

  • Homework Centre
  • Soup Kitchen
  • Caring Ministry
  • Healing Ministry


The situational analysis of the Barbican Baptist Church in respect of its local outreach is as follows:

a) Strengths

  • Homework Centre
  1. 22 Children assisted in the homework centre.
  2. 4 regular teacher and 5 part time for Homework Centre.
  3. 5 teachers in continuing education classes.
  4. Grace Kennedy Foundation (GKF) assists with Stipend to teachers, school supplies, and refreshments. Mr. Sweeney overseas from GKF.
  • Soup Kitchen
  1. The soup is well received by those it serves and whenever this is not available the need is experienced deeply.
  • Healing Ministry
  1. Committed personnel (Doctors, Nurses, Receptionist, Counsellors and Devotion Leaders.)
  2. Community support
  3. Hours of Clinic allow persons to visit after working hours (5:30-9:30)
  4. Dr Ballin is well liked and respected by the Clients.
  5. Ability to continue treatment at the Doctor’s office or if required, referred to other specialties.

b) Weaknesses

  • Homework Centre
  • Not enough volunteers to assist in the homework centre.
  • Teacher to student ratio is overwhelmingly poor at times.
  • Soup Kitchen
  1. There is a shortage of persons to deliver the Soup to the shut-ins as it is difficult for the persons cooking the Soup to be the same persons who distribute
  • Healing Ministry
  1. Need for the nursing and medical personnel within the body to commit to assist at least one Clinic per month.
  2. 2 Clinics per month, so follow up of chronic/acute illnesses poses a challenge.
  3. Need for another doctor.
  4. Committed nursing personnel.

c) Opportunities

  • Soup Kitchen
  1. Young people in particular should feel a sense of duty to participate in this Ministry.
  • Healing Ministry
  1. Dispensing basic medication (pain, etc) if a pharmacist can commit to this programme.
  2. A Health Fair would be well received. We had a Fair for the 25th year that was quite expensive. Promises were not fulfilled. A mini-Fair should be planned for 2013.

d) Threats

  • Soup Kitchen
    1. The mission of the church will be called in to question if we neglect the least of these among us.


  1. To offer remedial English, Reading and Homework Assistance in a safe, controlled environment. Also provides CSEC Math and English Tutoring.
  2. To serve a hot bowl of Soup on Saturday.
  3. To offer wholistic care to members of the community and members of the Church.


  1. Homework Centre
  2. Soup Kitchen
  3. Healing Ministry
  4. Caring Ministry


  • Homework Centre
  1. Grades 1 – 8 assisted in completing homework and internet-enabled research assistance.
  2. Normally commences with devotion.
  • Soup Kitchen
  1. Soup is prepared by members of the Church and served to approximately 10 – 14 persons.
  2. Those receiving soup are given a Word of cheer and are prayed with and other assistance offered before leaving.
  • Health Clinic
  1. Devotion
  2. Medical/ Nursing Care (e.g. diabetic testing, hypertension screening)
  3. Referrals to area clinics and hospitals (KPH, UHWI)
  4. Counselling has had to be arranged if the problem cannot be handled on the spot.
  5. Leading persons to accept Christ or to recommit their lives to Christ.


The proposed budget for the Local Outreach Ministry over the next 5 years is four million one hundred and sixty four thousand six hundred and twenty eight (J$4,164,628) Jamaican dollars.